A Tale of Life

A Tale of Life

For so many families in the province of Siem Reap, the simple act of surviving requires strength and everyday commitment. This is the story of a woman, her family, their struggles and how they found help and hope for a better future, illustrated by Lilu Herlambang....
Turning Old into New

Turning Old into New

<![CDATA[In June, nine of our younger students visited Rehash Trash, a social enterprise dedicated to supporting underprivileged families while collecting and recycling plastic bags to save the environment. During their visit, our students learned how to turn old...

Dreamers of Anjali House

<![CDATA[At Anjali House we encourage our students to think for themselves using their creativity and imagination rather than limiting them with patterns of how to think. Dreams are an essential part of growing up and at Anjali House, we strive to encourage our...
This is my dream

This is my dream

<![CDATA[We believe that children need goals in their lives: to strive, to be curious, ambitious and to have a sense of their own talents and capacities. It is daring and brave to dream. The students at Anjali House are courageous like that. Through the...
Creativity is one of our educational focus

Creativity is one of our educational focus

<![CDATA[Creativity is one of the rocks Anjali House was built on. In a multitude of creative activities, Anjali House fosters the creative thinking of its 120 students. To illustrate this focus, read about how Anjali House encourages free expression of emotions...
I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

<![CDATA[During a ceremony in September, Anjali House provided bicycles and helmets to all the students who did not have one before. Fun but also educational, the event included a road safety workshop to raise awareness about the traffic rules, road signs and the...