Active Communities

Khmer public school students typically attend school for just half a day, creating challenges for working parents who must decide between earning an income and staying home to care for their children. Anjali House provides a safe and nurturing environment for these students during their non-school hours, allowing parents to work and contribute to lifting their families and communities out of poverty.

At Anjali House, we understand the importance of supporting not just the students but their entire family unit. A child’s family environment plays a crucial role in their success. We focus on creating a strong partnership with parents to work together to support their children in their educational achievements. We support families by conducting workshops focusing on areas like parenting skills, mental health, health care, domestic violence, family budgeting, and job search assistance.

Furthermore, Anjali House’s commitment extends beyond the families of enrolled students. We actively engage with the broader community, working in collaboration with the commune chief, local schools, and partner NGOs. This comprehensive approach ensures that our support reaches as many members of the community as possible, reinforcing our mission of holistic development and empowerment.

Family involvement

Anjali House is deeply committed to strengthening the bond between our institution and the families of our students. Recognizing the pivotal role caregivers play in their child’s educational journey, we maintain consistent communication with parents. This includes notifying them about unexcused absences to ensure there’s an open and effective channel of communication regarding their child’s education. Additionally, we organize parent-teacher conferences, offering a platform for parents to discuss their child’s progress, raise any concerns, and receive valuable feedback.

This approach has yielded positive results, with an increasing number of parents and guardians becoming actively involved in their children’s education. They are more attentive to their children’s attendance and performance in public school and show a growing interest in their progress at Anjali House.

Mobile library

Our mobile library cart goes out to the community of Sala Kamreuk on Sunday mornings. The children have opportunities to read by themselves and to read with our Future Leaders and teachers. We ended the sessions with a group reading activity, with a follow-on for comprehension activities, and a fun game at the end. This is a great way of helping other children to join in from the greater community, as most of the children who are part of these events aren’t from Anjali House.

What we do

Community service

Family support

Mobile library