<![CDATA[We all know Anjali House is special in many ways. One of the most compelling ways, though, is its incorporation of the arts into its daily program and its willingness to try new ways of teaching its students. Nearly five years ago, Anjali House opened its doors to an idea. The author, Sue Guiney, proposed a week-long writing workshop whereby she would not only improve English fluency through poetry and story writing, but she would also encourage conceptual thought and self-confidence. As we all know, that program has been a great success and in February we will be celebrating the program’s 5th year with the older students of Anjali House.
But word gets around. Recently, more and more schools and NGOs have heard about Sue’s program and have asked her to run it for their own students. Sue discussed expanding her program with her students at Anjali House and they asked her, “So will you teach ALL the children of Cambodia?” Together they agreed, how could she say no?
Although the work Sue does at Anjali House will always be special, her writing workshop is now being taught in schools throughout Cambodia. With the expansion comes a new name: WritingThrough Cambodia. And a new website: www.writingthroughcambodia.com
All of us at Anjali House wish Sue well as she travels around Cambodia teaching her children. But we are all also happy knowing that the relationship we have with Sue and her workshop will remain uniquely Anjali.]]>