The Young Adults’ New Project: Anjali House Magazine

The Young Adults are involved in a new project: the Anjali House Magazine. From now on, they will be responsible to produce a magazine. They are proud of them and so are we. After the first successful issue, we decided to share the magazine with you to discover their superb work!

First, three former volunteers (Marion, Salome and Jhenica) taught them what a magazine is and the steps needed to make one. To begin with, the students reflected on themes on which they will work on the different issues. They chose Cambodia, the environment, sport, music, art, food, etc.

Then, once their theme had been chosen, the Young Adults thought about the subject of their article. It is important that they choose their own subject because they will spend time on it so they must appreciate it and want to learn more about it.

Expression and Language Challenge

After that, they collect information and write their article. They learned to organize an article with the title, kicker, body and conclusion. This step allows them to express themselves, develop their opinion and their ability to communicate it. It is also a challenge for them because they have to write in English but this exercise allows them to improve their vocabulary and learn new expressions. In addition to the challenge of sharing their ideas in English, they also had to use a more formal English than usual.

Finally, students design and layout their own article. With this step, they develop their creativity and their aesthetic skills. Once all the articles have been designed, the two editors bring them together to form the magazine.

The creation of a magazine allows students to surpass themselves, to apply their skills and develop new ones. They are involved and do a good job. They are proud of themselves and so is all of Anjali House. For the moment, the two editors are volunteers, but in the long term, we hope that the Young Adults will be able to produce the magazine in its entirety and divide the roles according to what they like to do.

From now on, you and all the other children of Anjali House will be able to discover every two months, the new issue of Anjali Student Magazine. Have a good reading and enjoy!

The whole team,


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