<![CDATA[Anjali House ran its second “positive discipline” workshop in June. The purpose of this workshop is to support and encourage parents to create a positive and safe environment at home. Led by our social worker, the families were able to discuss their experiences and personal issues about discipline.
At Anjali House we understand that to support the children we also must try to address some of the systemic problems that affect their parents and families and provide them with advice. Many of Cambodian underprivileged families do not know how to react when they have an issue with their children. Considering a child’s feelings, creating dialogue and encouraging mistakes are not a common response to them.
Our social worker, Mom, created the positive discipline workshop to support Anjali House’s families to build a positive relationship between them and their children. Through the workshop, the parents understand why it is important to consider their children’s feelings, build a dialogue with them and create rules agreed by both. Our social worker also explained to the families how to react when the children do not follow the rules and encourage an open communication in order to create a safe environment for them.
Mom, Anjali House’s social worker explains: “Most of Anjali House’s parents do not know how to read or write so the workshop is based on a slideshow, activities and above all sharing personal experiences. For this second edition, some families from the first workshop came back to share their experiences and that was really appreciated by the new ones. It is important to continue this kind of workshops to support them and create a long term effect for the children.”
Anjali House also provides an individual support to the families. Once a year, our social worker runs a “family assessment” to identify their problems and tailor the support we provide to them in order to respond to their specific needs. Some families will be invited to group workshops like this one. Others will also be offered individual meetings.
Learn more about our Family support program