Volunteer With Us

Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Anjali House! We look forward to hearing from you!

  • All candidates

  • For candidates interested in working in a classroom

“We have a vibrant learning environment at Anjali House thanks to the volunteers from around the world who bring the best of their individual cultures and skills. For the students at Anjali House, many of whom have never travelled outside Siem Reap, this is a great way to get worldly wise.” – Sue Guiney


The Benefits of Sports on Children

The Benefits of Sports on Children

Introduction In today's world, where technology and screens often take center stage, it's crucial to emphasize ... Read more

Early Childhood Education: Building Blocks to Future Success

Early Childhood Education: Building Blocks to Future Success

Introduction Life's journey begins with those crucial first steps, and just like a sturdy building needs a solid ... Read more

An Alumni Success Story: From Anjali House to University

An Alumni Success Story: From Anjali House to University

We had the chance to catch up with Borey during his quick visit back to Siem Reap. Borey recently completed his ... Read more

Supporting Cambodia’s Education: Anjali House Programs

Supporting Cambodia’s Education: Anjali House Programs

In Cambodia, education lays the foundation for a brighter future. Yet navigating the complexities of the public ... Read more